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Which weight loss procedure is best for you?

We Offer Dubai's Most Advanced Range Of Body Shaping Solutions to Remove Unwanted Fat!.Book an appointment with our bariatric surgeon for the consultation to know which procedure is best suits for you.

What is obesity?

Obesity is when a person has excess of body fat caused by genetic and environmental factors that are difficult to manage while dieting.

Obesity is described as having a BMI of 30 or greater.


How does obesity harm you?

Obesity can cause a series of unwanted complications such as;

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Stroke


Gastric Botox Injection in Dubai

How does it work
Gastric Botox is an injection that is put into the stomach by an endoscopy to specific areas of the stomach. By minimizing stomach muscle contractions, the feeling of hunger will be delayed and you will loss appetite which results in weight loss.

The process takes few hours only and the patient can leave the same day without the need to stay overnight, only a Day Care stay.

Botox for the stomach is only used on the smooth muscles of the stomach; it has no effect on nerve cells or intestine movement. As a result, it has no impact on bowel laziness. An improvement in bowel laziness can be seen by adding foods for the activity of the intestines to the diet that will be prepared specifically for you by the best diet plan for weight loss by our Bariatric Dietitian.


Book your treatment for obesity now with our best bariatric surgeon in Dubai. Call 800467

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